СПИД 2.0 - Хроническая болезнь Лайма.


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На протяжении десятилетий нас обманывали CDC и IDSA о болезни Лайма. Прежде чем мы заболели или даже поняли, что мы страдали от Лайма, мы были невежественны Лайму. Мы ничего не знали об этом, прикрытии, противоречиях и отвратительных преступлениях, связанных с этим. Если мы узнаем что-нибудь в этом путешествии, это то, как испорчена медицинская система. Во время нашего путешествия Лайма мы начинаем просыпаться в реальном мире и иллюзиях, окружающих нас. К сожалению, большинство из них закрыло свое мнение в ILADS и больше не ищет. Жертвы Лайма намного хуже, чем они защищают и намного хуже, чем говорит ILADS.На самом деле, это не просто бактериальная инфекция, если бы это были миллионы, и это было бы невозможно . Это никогда не получит жертв Лайма валидации или справедливости. Lyme, это действительно время, чтобы свести к минимуму вашу болезнь и позволить ILADS ослепить ваши страдания.
(Если кто качественно переведет, будет очень хорошо)

AIDS 2.0 , Tick-bite Sepsis aka; Chronic Lyme Disease

We've been lied to and deceived by the CDC and IDSA about Lyme disease for decades. Before we got sick or even figured out it what we were suffering from was Lyme all along, we were ignorant to Lyme. We knew nothing about it, the cover up, controversy and heinous crimes surrounding it. If we learn anything through this journey, it's how corrupted the medical system is. During our Lyme journey we start waking up to the real world and the illusions surrounding us. Sadly, majority have closed off their mind at ILADS and seek no further. Lyme victims are much sicker than they advocate for and much sicker than ILADS says. In fact, it's not just a bacterial infection, if it was millions would not be and remain disabled. This will never get Lyme victims validation or justice. Lyme victims, it's really time stop minimizing your disease and allowing ILADS to dumb down your suffering.

Anyone with Lyme knows the corruption around it. But do you really know the truth? If the CDC can cover up Lyme for 25 years, ask yourself, what else are they hiding? Covering up Lyme disease, why? Do we really think they'd go on this long if chronic Lyme is just a bacterial infection? Do you ever ask yourself why even cover it up in the first place? What would be the point in that? It's not what most people think.

Lyme victims, non-profits and ILADS advocate for a chronic Borrelia Burgdorferi bacterial infection. When what they are really suffering from is far much worse. What the CDC calls post-Lyme syndrome is actually post-sepsis syndrome or a non-HIV B-cell AIDS illness. Advocating for a chronic bacterial infection is like saying you got a mosquito bite when you got viciously mangled by a ferocious mountain lion.

Nobody is denying it's a chronic infection it is, however you have to first understand a Borrelia Spirochete, they are NOT regular bacteria, they are their own phylum. They shed exosomes or blebs containing OspA (outer surface protein A), or Pam3cys, a triacylated lipoprotein that's managed by TLR2/1 (toll-like receptors). TLR2-agonists are fungal endotoxins that are much more toxic and stealth as compared to most typical bacteria which are TLR4 agonists, lipopolysaccharides. The immune system can no longer detect other pathogens when exposed to TLR2 agonists. OspA is a very highly toxic fungal antigen. Pathologically borrelia spirochetes are considered parasitic.

In simple terms, Borrelia spirochetes shed highly toxic fungal waste (OspA). Your immune system eats up the fungal waste, primarily in the lymph nodes and goes to the brain. Once your immune system has been hijacked with a TLR-2 agonist, or OspA, it gums up immunity, the immune system shuts down creating the perfect Hellstorm and domino effect of permanent immunosuppression, mutated B-cells, chronic brain inflammation, organ and tissue damage, re-activated and secondary viral, fungal and bacterial infections of all kinds take over the show as your immune system can no longer recognize other pathogens. Your very sick, on every level possible affecting every organ system.

⬇ Lyme IS Immunosuppression

Suppression of Long-Lived Humoral Immunity Following Borrelia burgdorferi Infection
Borrelia burgdorferi stimulates the production of interleukin-10 in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from uninfected humans and rhesus monkeys.
Borrelia burgdorferi-induced tolerance as a model of persistence via immunosuppression.
Our experience with examination of antibodies against antigens of Borrelia burgdorferi in patients with suspected lyme disease

Like AIDS, after the intial immune paralysis, latent viruses re-activate rear their ugly heads; Epstein-Barr, Herpesviruses, Cytomegalovirus, etc and secondary infections; Candida, fungi, Mycoplasma, etc. create the perfect stealth pathogen, producing no to little antibodies (which is why you can't get a positive test, the testing is a high antibody concentration), the end game resulting in "The Great Imitator".... ALS, multiple sclerosis, lupus, stroke, dementia, cancer, alzheimers, parkinsons, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, mitochondria dysfunction, etc... Think of the spirochetes as just the Hellstorm "carriers" of the post-sepsis immunosuppressive neurologic massacre. Spirochetes, biofilms or cysts are not the problem, it's what happens afterwards, the outcome of immune hijacking fungal lipoproteins resulting in permanent immune system damage, and secondary viral, fungal and bacterial infections ravaging your entire system and no longer recognizing other TLR's. You do not need spirochetes to suffer from Chronic Lyme, you need OspA via tick or vaccine.

Gary Wormser, The magnitude of immunosuppression is directly related to the amount of OspA injected.

This is why very few get better. This is why long-term antibiotics don't work in most cases. Those who got better were most likely treating secondary infections, but will remain symptomatic or relapse at any given time because of immunosuppression. Spirochetes are not what's making you sick.

Bacterial lipoproteins can disseminate from the periphery to inflame the brain. Reactivation of multiple viruses in patients with sepsis Allen Steere, CHRONIC neurologic manifestations of Lyme Two controlled trials of antibiotic treatment in patients with persistent symptoms and a history of Lyme disease

This is how ILADS and non-profits are hindering any sort of real help Lyme victims can get. Ignoring the truth. You can try to kill the spirochetes all you want with long-term antibiotics, it doesn't change the outcome that your immune system was hijacked resulting in permanent immunosuppression. It doesn't stop the reactivated viruses, mutated b-cells, damaged mitochondria, the non-HIV AIDS like outcome. IF it was about chronic spirochetes, biofilms, and cysts why do very few people respond to longterm antibiotics? Why do half remain disabled, for life? And certainly why did the CDC deliberately change the diagnostic standards in 1994, in Dearborn Michigan to exclude only and all neurologic Lyme from the diagnostics, while publishing studies at the same time that chronic neurologic Lyme is real and it's disease of immunosuppression?

Two disease outcomes, arthritic Lyme OR
⬇chronic neurologic immunosuppression

Gary Wormser, Your going to get either the Lyme arthritis or neurological immunosuppression Lyme. The Toll of a TLR1 polymorphism in Lyme disease: A tale of mice and men Allen Steere, you can either have arthritic Lyme or chronic neurological immunosuppression. Association of a Toll-like receptor 1 polymorphism with heightened Th1 inflammatory responses and antibiotic-refractory Lyme arthritis

OspA was in the antigen used in the LymeRix vaccine. It caused the same disease outcome as chronic Lyme. The CDC has published studies that you cannot tell the difference between a vaccine failure victim vs a chronic neurologic Lyme victim. They are both the same disease. The LymeRix vaccine did not contain spirochetes. This is how they know Lyme victims are VERY sick with much worse than a bacterial infection. It's OspA disease. This is why the testing was changed in 1994 to throw out all neurologic cases of OspA or Lyme. The sickest most disabled patients on the planet. All because the vaccine caused the same disease. The vaccine victims were neurologicaly injured and immune suppressed.

Tick bite or vaccine = same disease outcome
Neuropathy and cognitive impairment following vaccination with the OspA protein of Borrelia burgdorferi The LymeRIX adverse events are very similar to the actual "protean" (multi-system) disease manifestations. Neurological complications of vaccination with outer surface protein A (OspA)

If the Lyme community woke up to the reasoning behind the fraudulent testing, maybe we could get somewhere. THIS is the entire picture on why after decades it remains at a standstill. Lyme testing was accurate and reliable before 1994. They changed the testing by adding the two tiered test, the Elisa and changing it from a low antibody concentration to a high antibody concentration and removing the most important antigens from the test, OspA and OspB (bands 31,34) to exclude neurological cases in the first step. The current testing can only detect 15% of all cases, those who have an HLA-linked hypersensitivity, their only symptoms are arthritis. No fatigue, no neurological symptoms, no other symptoms but arthritis only. These are the only ones who can get a positive test. Whereas the other 85% cannot get a positive test, the immunosuppressed neurological AIDS like victims who are VERY sick and produce little to no antibodies. They changed the definition to say that Lyme is arthritis only. Chronic Lyme doesn't exist, Lyme cannot make you sick. it's impossible. This is the Dearborn standard, to throw away ALL immunosuppressed neurological victims and send them away as psychiatric patients. If all else, you must ask yourself why would the CDC suddenly change the testing to be inaccurate? What are they hiding? And why?

This is a patent for the borrelia burgdorferi vaccine and test kit candidates. The patent was created the SAME year they changed the Lyme diagnostics and decided to say there's no such thing as chronic Lyme disease. In the patent it's showing there's two disease outcomes. Chronic neurologic Lyme and arthritis only Lyme. They know how sick we really are, with not JUST a bacterial infection, this proves it. We're being played for profit. WO1993024145A1 - Compositions useful in diagnosis and prophylaxis of lyme disease - Google Patents

By keeping the old testing which was able to diagnose neurological immunosuppressive Lyme, it would reveal the neurological injuries via LymeRix. It was all done to pass off a fake vaccine. The CDC authors own patents on fraudulent test kits and vaccines, so they profit off of the disease and your barbaric suffering while telling you you're just crazy, go see a psychiatrist. The fake non-profits such as the ALDF are CDC and ISDA members has been used to help preserving the falsification of chronic Lyme and testing. They've kept this going for 25 years, imagine the amount of deaths on their hands.

Do we want validation, accurate testing, treatment and insurance coverage? How do we ever expect to get any of that if chronic Lyme disease doesn't exist? What are we even asking for? Treatment, validation and insurance coverage for your non-existent disease? This is how they can legally label us psychiatric patients and pretty much ruin our lives even more on top of being deathly sick. Stop asking for treatment to be covered, stop asking for long-term antibiotics. Stop asking for them to change the guidelines. It's only setting us back and hurting us. Remember, Lyme doesn't make you sick impossible, per fraudulent CDC Dearborn standards.

Unless we get the Dearborn standard falsified testing and case definition, prosecuted, NOTHING will change for us. We must make our disease exist under a diagnostic panel. How? By proving the crimes committed by the CDC officers. We don't need to prove we have chronic spirochetes, the Lyme community has been trying to for 25 years. Everyone already knows this, especially the CDC and ISDA. As you seen above, they know we are very sick and disabled. They know exactly what the disease outcome is, they know how sick we are, we have to prove they know. They deliberately threw us under the bus for profit and to cover their asses from the LymeRix vaccine damage. We are letting them get away with genocide and murder.

Then we have ILADS, if they really wanted to help us, why won't they stand up for us? Why won't they talk about the disease mechanism? What's the real reason why we can't get better? They aren't treating the real disease. They bankrupt us into poverty for treatment, when nobody really even gets better anyway. We are medically abused, slandered, humiliated, shunned because the CDC criminals wanted to sell a fake vaccine and hide the injuries to the vaccine victims.

If Lyme activists won't work together on exposing the crimes by the CDC they are actually hindering help for us. Sharing cute Lyme memes isn't activism. Real activists expose the root of the problem and don't sugar coat or beat around the bush. Activism is not rainbows and butterflies, it's everything but. Majority of real activists are not well liked, attacked and slandered because they speak the truth. In this crazy corrupted society, anyone who stands up and speaks for the truth becomes the enemy. If your not well liked, your doing something right.

By proving the disease outcome as a whole by showing the crimes surrounding it.... THIS is what validates your illness, THIS explains and tells how sick you really are. You are VERY sick on a cellular level and suffering inhumane torture. So prove it, prove the crimes in order to prove your disease. You'll never be validated by telling people you have a chronic bacterial infection. Tell people what you really have, post-sepsis syndrome, neurological B-cell AIDS. We need justice and validation, the only way to get it is by prosecution. We must all get on the same page once and for all. We fight like hell through this disease, we can stand together as warriors and fight like hell for what's right or ignore it like cowards and go back to another 25 years of denial watching Lymies die, commit suicide and just continue suffering, changing our profile pictures every May to green while spreading pretty Lyme awareness meme's. This is our yearly ritual. Warriors got each other back with no questions asked and differences set aside. It's time to stand up to the crimes responsible for stealing our entire lives away from us. It's time to demand justice. Your either a warrior or you're not. Stand up for what's right or stand for nothing.

Lyme is a global pandemic. Two million people get infected every year, half remain disabled for life. This year alone one million will eventually become permanently disabled, including children. This should be enough to get anyone angry enough to stand up. It's been 25 years since the CDC committed the fraud to leave us to suffer and die. 25 years more years will pass and nothing will change, no validation, no treatment or proper testing until we expose the crime. How many more have to become disabled, suffer, die, commit suicide before we RISE UP TOGETHER AND SAY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. It's time to put an end to all of it. Rise up as warriors. Activists, be the activists you claim to be. Start using activism by educating people on the crime. The general population doesn't care about our personal stories and suffering, they don't even read it. Nothing validates our suffering as much as showing and proving the disease mechanism and Lyme crimes.
Последнее редактирование модератором:
и позволить ILADS ослепить ваши страдания.
Круто завёрнуто, внушает:thumbsup:. Но уже в названии про лайм - СПИД 2.0, лично мне понятно, что дальше читать нечего. Лайм - НЕ СПИД. Инфекций, влияющих на иммунную систему вагон и маленькая тележка, а не ифекций ещё больше. И ничего, никто на всех углах не орёт, что герпесы это СПИД, хотя они ещё как иммунитет снижают. Инфекционисты наоборот, чуть ли не нормой их считают. Так что, как по мне, это не более, чем реклама.
Круто завёрнуто, внушает:thumbsup:. Но уже в названии про лайм - СПИД 2.0, лично мне понятно, что дальше читать нечего. Лайм - НЕ СПИД. Инфекций, влияющих на иммунную систему вагон и маленькая тележка, а не ифекций ещё больше. И ничего, никто на всех углах не орёт, что герпесы это СПИД, хотя они ещё как иммунитет снижают. Инфекционисты наоборот, чуть ли не нормой их считают. Так что, как по мне, это не более, чем реклама.
реклама чего, своего взгляда на эту проблему? В любом случае интересно будет почитать...
Я, вообще-то один раз про отзывы написала, это называется заклинило? И в первом сообщении я именно обсуждала. Если Вы считаете, что Лайм можно приравнять в СПИДу, то обсуждайте дальше. Лично я так не думаю, что и написано в самом первом сообщении. Причем с причинами. Но это, видимо не "обсуждение".
Круто завёрнуто, внушает:thumbsup:. Но уже в названии про лайм - СПИД 2.0, лично мне понятно, что дальше читать нечего. Лайм - НЕ СПИД. Инфекций, влияющих на иммунную систему вагон и маленькая тележка, а не ифекций ещё больше. И ничего, никто на всех углах не орёт, что герпесы это СПИД, хотя они ещё как иммунитет снижают. Инфекционисты наоборот, чуть ли не нормой их считают. Так что, как по мне, это не более, чем реклама.
Неудачное сравнение. Незаслуженно жестокое.
Я уже давно понял, что тем, кто не болеет боррелиозом, бесполезно что-то доказывать.
На словах невозможно объяснить как это осознавать, что ты обречён. Да что там говорить о жизни и смерти, когда даже чужая боль для здоровых кажется чем-то надуманным, им не понять как это быть в жизненном тупике, мучаясь от болей.

Статью, по всей видимости, написал боррелиозник и в его состоянии может быть без разницы боррелиоз у него или СПИД!!!

Но кому я это пишу?! Боррелиозники меня поймут, а здоровые воспримут как очередную сказку.
о чем вы? спид вернее вич это детский сад по сравнению например какие у меня боли и состояния были. вичевые получают терапию, лекарств миллион и каждый год новы епоявляются, лечение бесплатно. С СПН и лаймом же делают вид что ты вообще не болен ничем. Типа иди отсюда. Но в целом это понятно. ВИЧ - это бизнес, там денежка крутится.
Я уже давно понял, что тем, кто не болеет боррелиозом, бесполезно что-то доказывать.
На словах невозможно объяснить как это осознавать, что ты обречён. Да что там говорить о жизни и смерти, когда даже чужая боль для здоровых кажется чем-то надуманным, им не понять как это быть в жизненном тупике, мучаясь от болей.

Статью, по всей видимости, написал боррелиозник и в его состоянии может быть без разницы боррелиоз у него или СПИД!!!

Но кому я это пишу?! Боррелиозники меня поймут, а здоровые воспримут как очередную сказку.
Полностью согласна ! С ВИЧ можно жить нормально и рожать детей , а с боррелиозом каждый день муки . У моей подруги сейчас боррелиозный спид , все врачи удивляются как она ещё жива (((
У нее отсутствуют CD4? Если нет, то сравнение со СПИДом неуместны.
CD4 почти на нуле . Она и сама медик понимает что с ней происходит . Тем более была в Польше почти у всех врачей ИЛАДС , в Америке дважды лежала в больнице , так же была у двух врачей ИЛАДС , плюс Германия. Я Молчу о России она где только не была .
У нее отсутствуют CD4? Если нет, то сравнение со СПИДом неуместны.
СПИД это некий синдром приобретенного иммунодефицита, не важно чем он вызван и каких клеток сколько, главное, что иммунитет перерастает справляться.
СПИД это некий синдром приобретенного иммунодефицита, не важно чем он вызван и каких клеток сколько, главное, что иммунитет перерастает справляться.
Нет важно. ВИЧ вызывает дефицит CD4, а не какого-то там CD57.

CD4 почти на нуле . Она и сама медик понимает что с ней происходит . Тем более была в Польше почти у всех врачей ИЛАДС , в Америке дважды лежала в больнице , так же была у двух врачей ИЛАДС , плюс Германия. Я Молчу о России она где только не была .
Пусть ищет атипичный ВИЧ. Лайм не вызывает снижения CD4.
Нет важно. ВИЧ вызывает дефицит CD4, а не какого-то там CD57.
Да она же говорит про СПИД 2.0. это совсем другой СПИД, который не относится к вирусу ВИЧ и поэтому не снижает уровня CD4.
я вот ему написал недавно. До ума надо довести и как-то постараться передать лично в руки.
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