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Болезнь МоргеллоновИнформация о болезни Моргеллонов
Что делать???? Помогите! Умоляю!!!! Три года болею.. все три года меня отправляли к псизиатру, наконец я хотя бы поняла что это. Зуд, симптомы лайма, ощущения что кто-то непрерывно ползает по тебе. У ребёнка и мужа такие же симптомы
Mixed Borrelia burgdorferi and Helicobacter pylori Biofilms in Morgellons Disease Dermatological Specimens A spirochetal etiology for MD was considered because the dermopathy is accompanied by Lyme-like symptoms including musculoskeletal, neurological and cardiovascular manifestations [1,2,3,4,5,10]. Two independent cohort studies reported that almost all subjects with MD were diagnosed with LD and that there was a high incidence of infection with other tickborne pathogens [4,11]. MD occurs in a subset of approximately 6% of LD patients, and collectively the evidence suggests that MD results from a physiological response to infection [10,11,12,13].
Borrelia spirochetes that cause Lyme disease and "Lyme-like" illness including the B. burgdorferi (Bb) species Bb sensu stricto (Bbss) and Bb sensu lato (Bbsl) as well as Relapsing Fever Borrelia (RFB) have been detected in body fluids and/or tissue specimens from MD patients [10,12,14,15,16,17]. In addition to Borrelia, other pathogens such as Helicobacter pylori (Hp), Treponema denticola, Bartonella henselae, and Rickettsia spp. have been detected in MD patient specimens, suggesting that these pathogens could be co-involved in evolution of the dermopathy [10,12,17,18,19,20].
Mixed Borrelia burgdorferi and Helicobacter pylori Biofilms in Morgellons Disease Dermatological Specimens A spirochetal etiology for MD was considered because the dermopathy is accompanied by Lyme-like symptoms including musculoskeletal, neurological and cardiovascular manifestations [1,2,3,4,5,10]. Two independent cohort studies reported that almost all subjects with MD were diagnosed with LD and that there was a high incidence of infection with other tickborne pathogens [4,11]. MD occurs in a subset of approximately 6% of LD patients, and collectively the evidence suggests that MD results from a physiological response to infection [10,11,12,13].
Borrelia spirochetes that cause Lyme disease and "Lyme-like" illness including the B. burgdorferi (Bb) species Bb sensu stricto (Bbss) and Bb sensu lato (Bbsl) as well as Relapsing Fever Borrelia (RFB) have been detected in body fluids and/or tissue specimens from MD patients [10,12,14,15,16,17]. In addition to Borrelia, other pathogens such as Helicobacter pylori (Hp), Treponema denticola, Bartonella henselae, and Rickettsia spp. have been detected in MD patient specimens, suggesting that these pathogens could be co-involved in evolution of the dermopathy [10,12,17,18,19,20].
Ее еще нужно хотя бы прочитать. Хотя бы перевод. Думаю, не многие форумчане смогут это прочитать, к сожалению. Эта тема даже не отражается в новостной ленте.
Ее еще нужно хотя бы прочитать. Хотя бы перевод. Думаю, не многие форумчане смогут это прочитать, к сожалению. Эта тема даже не отражается в новостной ленте.
Извините, что мои вопросы Вас так расстроили. Больше не буду
Охотно верю Вам, потому, что многие форумчане писали про все это: : и " сахар" с крупинками, и нервы с беспределом врачей.
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