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Влияние ивермектина на клеточный и гуморальный иммунный ответ кроликов
Effect of ivermectin on the cellular and humoral immune responses of rabbits - PubMed
Целью данной статьи является определение влияния введения ивермектина на клеточный (CMI) и гуморальный иммунитет (HI) кроликов. CMI против динитрохлорбензола (DNCB) и эритроцитов барана (SRBC) у кроликов определяли с помощью анализа гиперчувствительности замедленного типа и поглощения макрофагов (MEA), соответственно; тогда как HI для вакцины Pasteurella multocida B2 и SRBC определяли с помощью анализа непрямой гемагглютинации (IHA) и анализа образования гемолитических бляшек Джерна (JHPFA), соответственно. Кролики были разделены на четыре основные группы (от A до D), каждая из которых подразделена на четыре подгруппы (от 1 до 4). Кролики группы А служили контролем, в то время как кролики групп В, С и D получали ивермектин в дозах 200 мкг / кг, 400 мкг / кг и 600 мкг / кг массы тела соответственно. Клеточный иммунитет определяли в подгруппах 1 и 2 через DNCB и MEA, соответственно, в то время как HI определяли в подгруппах 3 и 4 через IHA и JHPFA, соответственно. Чувствительность кожи к DNCB через 24 и 48 ч и поглощение SRBC макрофагами были самыми высокими (P> 0,05) у кроликов, которым вводили 600 мкг / кг массы тела. Наивысшие геометрические средние титры (14,00 +/- 0,31) и количество бляшкообразующих единиц ( 1860 +/- 0,75) были обнаружены у кроликов, получавших ивермектин в дозе 600 мкг / кг массы тела, с последующими группами, получавшими 400 мкг / кг, 200 мкг / кг массы тела, и контрольной группой. Количество лейкоцитов было значительно выше в группах, получавших ивермектин (C и D), чем в группах A (контроль носителя) и B (ивермектин из расчета 200 мкг / кг). Иммунный ответ с дифференцированной дозой предполагал иммунопотенцирующий эффект ивермектина в более высоких дозах.
Реакция гиперчувствительности замедленного типа (пост-ивермектиновая обработка), определенная тестом DNCB, была самой высокой у кроликов подгруппы D1 (ивермектин; 600 мкг / кг [0,6 мг / кг]). Результаты всех групп лечения (B, C и D) были значительно выше (Pb0,05) по сравнению с контрольной группой (A) (таблица 2). Процент поглощения макрофагов в опсонизированной и неопсонизированной крови был самым высоким в группах C и D, соответственно (Таблица 2)
По мере увеличения дозировки ивермектина увеличивался и титр специфических антител против P. multocida
Помимо своей противопаразитарной активности, ивермектин, как полагают, обладает потенцирующим действием на иммунную систему человека и различных животных (Blakley and Rousseaux, 1991; Savanur et al., 1996; Lopez-Olvera et al., 2006).
Макрофаги выполняют основную функцию интернализации и уничтожения патогенов (Qureshi et al., 1993) для защиты хозяина. Насколько нам известно, данные о влиянии ивермектина на активность поглощения макрофагами отсутствуют. В этом исследовании процент поглощения макрофагами использовался для оценки реакции CMI после терапии ивермектином. Фагоцитоз клеток макрофагами - это двухэтапный процесс, инициируемый распознаванием и связыванием мишени с последующей ее интернализацией. Результаты показали, что эффект ивермектина на активность поглощения макрофагами наблюдался при концентрации лекарственного средства 600 мкг / кг.
Таким образом, наше исследование демонстрирует, что с использованием ивермектина можно достичь борьбы с паразитами наряду с иммуностимулирующим эффектом. Механизм иммунопотенцирующего действия ивермектина неизвестен.
200 мкг / кг = 0,2 мг / кг; для человека весом 67 кг дозировка в мг составляет: 0,2 мг. кг * 67 кг = 13,4 мг.
Effect of ivermectin on the cellular and humoral immune responses of rabbits - PubMed
Целью данной статьи является определение влияния введения ивермектина на клеточный (CMI) и гуморальный иммунитет (HI) кроликов. CMI против динитрохлорбензола (DNCB) и эритроцитов барана (SRBC) у кроликов определяли с помощью анализа гиперчувствительности замедленного типа и поглощения макрофагов (MEA), соответственно; тогда как HI для вакцины Pasteurella multocida B2 и SRBC определяли с помощью анализа непрямой гемагглютинации (IHA) и анализа образования гемолитических бляшек Джерна (JHPFA), соответственно. Кролики были разделены на четыре основные группы (от A до D), каждая из которых подразделена на четыре подгруппы (от 1 до 4). Кролики группы А служили контролем, в то время как кролики групп В, С и D получали ивермектин в дозах 200 мкг / кг, 400 мкг / кг и 600 мкг / кг массы тела соответственно. Клеточный иммунитет определяли в подгруппах 1 и 2 через DNCB и MEA, соответственно, в то время как HI определяли в подгруппах 3 и 4 через IHA и JHPFA, соответственно. Чувствительность кожи к DNCB через 24 и 48 ч и поглощение SRBC макрофагами были самыми высокими (P> 0,05) у кроликов, которым вводили 600 мкг / кг массы тела. Наивысшие геометрические средние титры (14,00 +/- 0,31) и количество бляшкообразующих единиц ( 1860 +/- 0,75) были обнаружены у кроликов, получавших ивермектин в дозе 600 мкг / кг массы тела, с последующими группами, получавшими 400 мкг / кг, 200 мкг / кг массы тела, и контрольной группой. Количество лейкоцитов было значительно выше в группах, получавших ивермектин (C и D), чем в группах A (контроль носителя) и B (ивермектин из расчета 200 мкг / кг). Иммунный ответ с дифференцированной дозой предполагал иммунопотенцирующий эффект ивермектина в более высоких дозах.

Реакция гиперчувствительности замедленного типа (пост-ивермектиновая обработка), определенная тестом DNCB, была самой высокой у кроликов подгруппы D1 (ивермектин; 600 мкг / кг [0,6 мг / кг]). Результаты всех групп лечения (B, C и D) были значительно выше (Pb0,05) по сравнению с контрольной группой (A) (таблица 2). Процент поглощения макрофагов в опсонизированной и неопсонизированной крови был самым высоким в группах C и D, соответственно (Таблица 2)
По мере увеличения дозировки ивермектина увеличивался и титр специфических антител против P. multocida
Помимо своей противопаразитарной активности, ивермектин, как полагают, обладает потенцирующим действием на иммунную систему человека и различных животных (Blakley and Rousseaux, 1991; Savanur et al., 1996; Lopez-Olvera et al., 2006).
Макрофаги выполняют основную функцию интернализации и уничтожения патогенов (Qureshi et al., 1993) для защиты хозяина. Насколько нам известно, данные о влиянии ивермектина на активность поглощения макрофагами отсутствуют. В этом исследовании процент поглощения макрофагами использовался для оценки реакции CMI после терапии ивермектином. Фагоцитоз клеток макрофагами - это двухэтапный процесс, инициируемый распознаванием и связыванием мишени с последующей ее интернализацией. Результаты показали, что эффект ивермектина на активность поглощения макрофагами наблюдался при концентрации лекарственного средства 600 мкг / кг.
Таким образом, наше исследование демонстрирует, что с использованием ивермектина можно достичь борьбы с паразитами наряду с иммуностимулирующим эффектом. Механизм иммунопотенцирующего действия ивермектина неизвестен.
200 мкг / кг = 0,2 мг / кг; для человека весом 67 кг дозировка в мг составляет: 0,2 мг. кг * 67 кг = 13,4 мг.
Just wondering if anyone else had episodes of severe air hunger while on parasite protocol?
I have done one full round of Dr K's parasite protocol. I recently just started second round. I'm currently taking Ivermectin 12 mg (3x day) and Pin X.
Today I was feeling like I wasn't getting enough oxygen off and on throughout the day. I feel dizzy and light headed. I also would see flashes of light in my vision.
Which brings me to now. I just got over a severe episode of air hunger. I had to breathe through my mouth because I felt like I wasn't getting enough oxygen through my nose. This then turned into gasping for air like a fish out of water. I had a very hard time trying to talk to my husband. I could only get one word out, gasp for air for awhile then able to get another word out. Started to get very dizzy and lightheaded. Started to get flashes of light pulsating in my vision. It felt like I was going to pass out. Then I started to sweat.
Does anyone know if Ivermectin is also used for treating Babesia? Is this why I had air hunger?
Ivermectin hit me like a freight train. I'm not sure what it was hitting, I was dx'd with protomyxzoa rheumatica, could've been that or maybe it was hitting another occult protozoal infection. Initially I only took 18mg once a week, then upped to twice a week. I would've never been able to do Dr K's protocol as that is a drug that hit me with some monster herxes.
Good luck! Sometimes it can be helpful to take a mini-break if the herxing gets too strong. Hopefully this will prove to be a good medication for you.
I also do wonder if it might be able to hit bacterial pathogens, even lyme? I'm iffy on that it's just a question I have I'd have to read up on it as I'm pretty clueless on that aspect.
Ivermectin flared all my babesia symptoms hard. At the time, when I had a much higher pathogen load it was the strongest med I had taken up to that point. For some of us it may be a very good med for the protozoa.
Anybody ever take Ivermectin?
I took a dose a week ago and it hit me like a brick wall this weekend. Continuous headache, nerve pain, neck stiffness and inflammation. I haven't felt this bad in months (I just started on a maintenance protocol and have been improving steadily for over a year). Anybody have similar experiences on Ivermectin?
I am treating for parasites. I took ivermectin for 18 mos (pulsed) and my asthma breathing issues greatly improved. I had a miserable herx for a few months , so believe it was killing a parasite .
I just started Dr. K's parasite protocol. I'm on ivermectin right now (2nd on the rotation).
Let me tell you... it's rough... my brain fog hasn't been this bad since I first got sick. My doctor told me to keep going though and push through it.
Just make sure you do some detox stuff with it. I'm doing chlorella and coffee enemas. Also about to add detoxamin. The parasites release a lot of biotoxins and metals and such when they are killed. I was also put on miracle mineral solution (mms) at the same time as the ivermectin so I'm not sure which caused my brain fog to come back so bad. I stopped taking to mms but continued with the protocol.
Oh, and this protocol really does work. Worms are literally pouring out of me. It's sort of dramatic though. I never had any stomach problems or anything either. Crazy.
One of my friends who has been sick for +23 years, reports that she has felt the best she has in all of that time, with once weekly dosing of Ivermectin.
according to Eva Sapi, doxy and ivermectin is working for many doctors in Europe.
I am doing ivermectin and doxycycline . I had worked up to 6 mg ivermectin but Adding doxy was hard and found out its A synergistic affect and backed down And off doxy and down to 3 mg iver and Restarting a slow increase again. It's not Worth overdoing but finding the right balance Where you ate feeling better and better and if you tilt toward killing to fast you just feel horrible . Doxy alone is much different than it with iver so be very careful and i only take 200 mg in a whole week .
But I am on my way up but slowly and steady as I hate the flares and I am trying To enjoy done goodnesss. I have suffered enough. My back is finally feeling better and stronger and I want to use that and energy to walk. Also Sugar and fats I have become extra sensitive and can not
Eat without feeling immediately an ill feeling.
It seems like everyone herxes forver, plateaus, but rarely gets well - no matter what . It seems like there is never a clear answer . We do know we have chronic infection(s) . Everything else is speculation.
I am herxing hard on ivermectin and doxy. I have been off ABX a long time, but can see that lyme is still a problem with the doxy die off reaction. I also herx on ivermectin .
I took abx 3 years and got rid of pain , but felt as sick after 3 years as the day I started and had a gut feeling they were never going to make a huge difference for me . They never helped my fatigue at all . The only thing that has ever improved my fatigue is IVERMECTIN . I stopped it after 4 months because I did not know if it was safe long term. The fatigue came back . ( I am starting it again. )
Has anyone had a reaction to Ivermectin that included extreme weakness, to the point of not being able to get out of bed?
I started the Ivermectin on Friday. Took 3 mg. that day. The only thing I noticed was occasional weird sharp stabbing pains in the middle of my abdomen. They only happened intermittently (about 12 times over 8 hours) and lasted about one second each time.
Yesterday I upped the dose to 6 mg. Didn't notice anything bad. I was actually feeling better the last two days.
Today I took almost 12 mg. About three hours later I am so weak I can barely move. I feel flushed, my ears are red and hot, I even have a slight fever. This doesn't feel like a herx, but I don't know what to expect on this stuff.
I was extremely weak while taking Ivermectin. It seemed to get worse as time passed. After 6 months I was pulled off this medication since I had no improvements. With stopping it, the weakness and fatigue improved.
The iver herx for my daughter was a repeat of all her symptoms as they arrived in order when she first started getting ill.
So, if extreme fatigue was one of your first symptoms, you are probably going to go through that experience again.
For some reason, the drug seems to peel away another layer of the onion of this disease.
It took one year for my daughter to reach the dose of 12mg of Ivermectin daily. She had to start at 1/4 pill twice a week.
The first time she tried it, the herx was so bad, she had to go to the ER after just four pills.
I read on here and in scientific studies that doxy and ivermectin are synergistic for parasites and other bugs, but wow, it's so true.... ivermectin alone didn't do much, and doxy same, but together they are a whole new beast.
I dropped the doxy because I think ivermectin was the work horse. doxy + ivermectin I was taking 200mg doxy and 9mg iver per day. Mild herxing, but felt big gains. But I think the ivermectin was mostly responsible.
I am on low dose Ivermectin (1/2 3mg.), much lower than many others who can tolerate high doses (12 mg and up). As long as I find the right balance it resolves most of my remaining symptoms.
Ivermectin builds up in the body, so you need to be cognisant of that. I have found pulsing to be a good solution.
Binding is critical with Ivermectin, as there is die-off from the parasites/protozoa/biofilm.
I am 80-90% most days and Ivermectin gives me some days with few or no symptoms. I don't know if I will need to be on this long-term, or if it will cure the remaining issues.
I've noticed from others that post about Ivermectin that it does provide immediate relief for some/many. It may be worth a try to start slowly and see if your wife realizes benefits.
I have been ill since 1996 and was DXed in 2006 . I took ABX 3 years with little progress and some complications , then switching to herbs and rife . I made a bit more progress , but still had periods of feeling HORRIBLE and struggling to function with fatigue and fluishnes.
About 8 months ago I began self treating with parasite meds . I was skeptical about the idea of parasites until I took firsy dose of ivermectin , which caused a BIG (!) die off reaction. I should also add that I have had major beathing frustrations and a return of childhood asthma. I suspect babesia , but also have read about Harvard studies showing lungworm prevalent in CFS and lyme patients . The breathing problems I had made fatigue far worse and also came with bouts of costocondritis that seemed to become more frequent .
To sum it up : I definitely believe parasite meds have helped ! I felt much worse for several months, then after about 6 months things seemed easier . Also , even though I still feel fluish and fatigued , I can do a lot more than a year ago . Almost every afternoon I can take a brisk walk and even have been able to use a stair climbing routine . My mornings are never easy , but I am currently having afternoons and evenings that are BETTER .
I am also feeling that the ivermectin / praziquantel combo ( vet version from Tractor Supply ) have improved breathing and asthma that exhausted me . Those two drugs were used in other countries for lungworm and filaria , which is common in ticks.
I still take grapefruit seed extract drops , artemesia annua , and sometimes andrographis powder . Usually I take herbs one day , then parasite meds the following day , alternating them. I NEVER take parasite meds on a DAILY basis - just every other day .
Overall , I am inclined the ivermectin / praziquantel have been positive , and think my energy is improved compared to 8 mos ago . I am glad I stuck it out as the first months were rough and made me feel awful.
I intend to keep this up on an every other day basis for a while , maybe a long time. I have had no side effects . I do believe I would have them if I took it daily .
I also take supplements for liver support and eat lots of veggies .
This is anecdotal info , and I do think targeting parasites like lungworm or filaria makes as much sense as taking ABX for years - the ABX often do not help .
I have been off for a long time because i have been doing a lot better thanks to both ivermectin and plaquenil, especially ivermectin. life has been looking up during the last few months healthwise, which was a much welcome relief after about 2 years of constant struggle (smile!) Buhner herbs, especially knotweed, have also been helpful with neuro inflammation.
I have been working on integrating a low fat diet and this seems to be working really well as well, which confirms for me a probable biofilm element here. I just started this diet unfortunately, so I might have a long ways to go bio-film wise.
I would have never gotten to this point without some of the recommendations and support I received here from various people, and am really grateful.
My main problem is that as soon as I go off Ivermectin (3mg, once daily) my symptoms return and I backslide from ~85% to 50% over a few days, suggesting that I haven't made lasting progress yet.
Are higher doses of ivermectin necessary to get lasting results? Should I be considering a more complex parasite treatment than ivermectin alone? i.e. parastroy, hulda clark, salt-c. Or is it possible that ivermectin could be hitting the lyme? Could this lack of progress be because of biofilms?
I took it daily for over two months. All my symptoms were gone. Then I took it once or twice a week but I began to get side effects and had to stop. Luckily I am still nearly symptom free.
After treating babesia I tested positive for protomyxzoa and began ivermectin. This made the most dramatic improvement I have had during all of my treatment. I also began taking LDM, methyl cycle supplementation and the low fat whole foods vegan(ish) diet.
Ivermectin and doxy. I felt great on this combo. Also, alinia. I feel good on parasite meds, but when I stop them, I quickly go backwards.
Side effects I have had on Ivermectin:
- Woke up with very blurry vision in left eye the day after initial dose (3 mg.) and third dose (12 mg. - third day)
- Stabbing pains in gut (first day only - sure this was dieoff)
- Incredible weakness that lasts for 5-6 hours. This is on only 12 mg. per day. This one is hard to tolerate
- White blood count dropped after only 5 days into tapering up to 12 mg. per day. I was pulled off for a week, now pulsing it
I am on a very low dose of Ivermectin (1/2 3 mg. daily), but take it with 100 mg. Minocycline, which increases the side effects.
Has anyone experienced indigestion or heartburn from Ivermectin? That was my one side effect until recently when I started to get the blues, like what is experienced with Mepron. I am on Mepron too, but have been for 2 1/2 years successfully. Anyone get the Ivermectin-blues or heartburn?
I agree, my CD57 did not start to make significant changes up until I treated with anti-parastics (aka: babesia meds).
Mine was 26 when I was diagnosed and was at 38 two years into aggressive treatment.
Once I started taking rounds of nearly every anti parasitic available (mepron, ivermectin, biltricide, malarone, chloroquine, primiaquine:not all together) did I start to see real changes.
Now, my CD57 is rising about 30-40 points every 3-4 months.
It is now at 109. BTW-I am 90% improved from when I started 5 years ago.
Ivermectin has one of the cleanest side effect profiles of just about any med. Should be able to be combined with any antibiotic, antimalarial or antiparasitic.
Hubby has taken it with numerous other meds with his docs approval. His LLMD has actually put several other patients on ivermectin since it seemed to help hubby so much.
Doxycycline is one; Working synergistically with it
As soon as my daughter started treating, she got SEVERE acne. She also got severe intestinal flushing.
Her doctor said he had a patient who did 12mg ivermectin for four months before she saw worms in her stools.
I am currently taking Ivermectin. But for some reason Ivermectin causes me to feel AWFUL for a few days and sometimes longer after I take it. I don't know if the Ivermectin is killing off some kind of parasite in me and thus it is causing me to experience a herx or a mazzotti like reaction. Or if my body just can't tolerate Ivermectin.
Nonetheless, Ivermectin has been the most helpful drug that I have ever taken. Like I said, I usually feel awful for a few days after taking it but then I start feeling better than I did before I started taking the Ivermectin. It's been a fairly slow process though.
Currently I can only tolerate taking Ivermectin once per week. And sometimes I wait longer than that between doses. But it appears to have helped me. My energy is much improved and my vision is a little better since I started taking it. A few other of my symptoms have improved while I have been taking it as well.
I took high doses of Ivermectin four times per day for two weeks for my parasites. Almost immediately my hips were almost pain-free, and I felt like someone had gone around my body with an oil can and lubricated all my joints. It was AWESOME!!! But within a few weeks of the completion of my course of drugs, all the pain returned. What do I do now?
I was having a side effect from ivermectin of making my eyes very blood shot, as though I had pink eye. I read in rare instances it can cause Conjunctival hemorrhage. It also gives me headaches.
Ivermectin brought me back to pretty good health but I have to also stay on the low fat diet or I relapse.
I am wondering if the current resurgence of symptoms might have something to do with a cycle and not just fudging on fat.
When I take the ivermectin, the symptoms go away very quickly. I don't think it is killing borellia. Ketek took that out. And I got rid of bart with bactrim DS and zithro. I think I got rid of babesia duncani with malarone and coartem primarily.
That left me with protomyxzoa and it can mimic all the other infections with subtle differences.
has anyone here used ivermectin? what was your response to it?
i took it three days in a row last week and have felt soooo sick ever since. i have never felt so sick from any treatment and am wondering if something else is going on? i have felt nauseated for 5 days with horrible headache. i dont know if this is 'normal'.. whatever that means.
When I started ivermectin two years ago, I had a lot of trouble finding out how to take it so I winged it on my own. Dr. F was prescribing it daily according to some of his patients, so I took it daily for two months. Then I began to get headaches from it and my eyes became more irritated and blood shot.
I found out recently that you should pulse it because it can build up and become toxic. If I were doing it over again, I would never take it every single day. I think 3-4 days on and 3-4 days off would be best. That was for protomxzoa so if you are treating something else, I don't know. You dose it according to weight. I took 12 mg.
When I saw Dr. F I told him most of my protomyxzoa symptoms were gone (I was experiencing bartonella) and he told me to continue taking 12 mg ivermectin once a week.
Dr. K has a pretty aggressive protocol for parasites. I know I would not be able to tolerate it.
I have been on ivermectin over a year about three times a week with no problem. MY ASTHMA and breathing problems are GONE!! The herxes were hellish at first. I think it may well hit many pathogens - possibly lyme or babs ( since my breathing is better. )
I can now walk 2 miles every evening . I have a long way to go, but I am CERTAIN parasites are a problem - which explains all of the ABX failures.
Neff, I recently started taking MSM ( sulfur powder ) for hair and joints. The slightest amount almost KILLS ME!!
I am wondering if the sulfur kills parasites and babs , maybe lyme? Why ? I had a strange skin parasite , scabies , 2 years ago . The only thing that killed the invisible monsters was sylfur powder applied in a cream on my skin.
I was on 12 mg 3 times a day for 5 week cycles Tried to do colonics I enemas. I had no problems only benefits. Helped with brain fog and gave me more skin color. It helped with just a bout all problems just like albendazole.
I only used the ivermectin my pharmacist compounds.
It took care of my air hunger. Haven't had to use my inhalers for asthma since being on it.
However, since stopping it, my bartonella symptoms have become friggin out of control. I asked my doc about this and was told it can happen.
He gave a great explanation about how and why, but my brain dropped out.
It is my understanding it is important to take abx while on ivermectin and also afterwards to minimize the flaring of other things.
when the iver was done, bartonella symptoms flared and went out of control.
So now I am back on bart abx.
My doc said it is normal for iver to flare bartonella, and sometimes uses it as a challenge med.
3 mg 2x/day is a low dose, and a day or two per month is nothing. I have taken way more than that. Docs determine dosages based upon the individual, so if you're sensitive to certain meds, that may be the reason for the lower dose. Or if you're on another med, that could be the reason as well. Everyone is different as far as dosage goes.
I have herxed on iver before, so it's good to try just one med at a time to see how you react to it. Proto herxes are nastier than lyme. Much worse for me, but maybe that's just me. Benefits are air hunger and sweats go way down.
If you eat a high or even moderate fat you will be wasting your time trying to kill it (gasoline to a fire). It thrives on fat. I've tried adding fat in and it just makes it worse.
Starving all the time is a symptom of parasites. The more you work on them, the less starving you will be. Very low fat and eating more carbs works for me. Fortunately proto treatment hits parasites (Dr. K protocol).
2 years ago my llmd gave me a 3 day dose of Ivermectin. I think the parasite thing was still in the infancy stage. Had massive explosive stools. Didn't look. She is now talking abut starting a longer treatment protocol re: parasites. after reading as much as I could, it seems she was on the right track years ago. Interesting!
I think the Ivermectin is helping, but the mepron helps my brain. I'm sort of coming up with my own protocol for now. Just wondering if anyone is doing this type of combination.
Ivermectin kicks my butt, but I believe it will get me well, combined with Doxycyline. I'm still only taking one pill every other day. I can't seem to increase the dosage, it makes me very tired! I need to work so I stick with the slow and easy method.
I thought this would do nothing and ivermectin is POWERFUL . I can only take a small dose every 4-5 days, the die off is intense .
I am more convinced that a protozoa is part of the constellation of this disease , and I suspect this antiparasite drug is hitting an organism like filaria - which is similar to babesia .
I hope I will feel better in a few months , as some others are improving. I am just surprised how strong the herx is . It is hitting pathogen pay dirt .
Hopefully we will find out what is TOTALLY involved with "lyme " . It is definitely more than one organism IMO . That has to explain the relapses .
I will keep you posted , and hope others trying ivermectin and abendazole will post .
I found MANY MANY other blogs where people with morgellons are using it and getting some relief. Also , found stories of it being used in other countries for babesia AND LYME .
You can spend a lot of time googling and find many posts and blogs with people using it safely . Many even bought it at Tractor Supply like I did - chaep.
Google: Ivermectin recovery ivermectin morgellons ivermectin babesia ivermectin lyme disease ivermectin lyme disease filaria ivermectin lyme disease protozoa
Ivermectin and LDN are super different types of drugs for very different types of things.....I'm actually kinda confused how they are related?
I've taken both. LDN at the begining of my illness to see if it would help improve CFS symptoms and it didnt really help at all, and now Ivermectin to as part of a parasite treatment.
Ivermectin is used often with cancer patients as their immune systems are so low that they are also highly susceptible to parasites.
I can't stop ivermectin
I have just a handful of symptoms, after 5 years of heavy treatment. If I go too long off ivermectin(1 month or more) they are debilitating.
Anyone done ivermectin long term, been able to stop and stay well? This is all I have left to treat. It's maddening. And, I was just cut off LTD so I need to get well so I can work.
symptoms are heart issues shortness of breath low stamina floaters
Ivermectin : this is my favorite med. I feel great when on it.
I am only able to handle two 3mg pills per day right now. Some things are SO much better (my terrible stiff neck, I can turn again) and blurry vision better. but, I have a feeling that something is definitely off still - weak leg, weak arm, head feels funny, etc.
I read in someones blog that throwing antibiotics at borrelia is like trying to kill a snake with bug spray...she was helped by ivermectin...
I read somewhere that it has helminith and protozoal dna so maybe that why artminsin,,alinia bvt etc are effective
Stool tests are an absolute joke. I've had 4 of them. I've even had helminth antibodies taken. No way to prove that I had parasites. Just take Ivermectin, and you'll know pretty quickly from the die off. That stuff almost exclusively kills worms. I took it for an entire month straight to kill off any that would hatch during the lunar cycles. I feel my immune system is fighting MUCH harder to the lyme now, although I'm still struggling with lyme symptoms. I definitely peeled back a layer with the parasite treatment.
I've had terrible herxes from Bactrim, Malarone, and, recently, Ivermectin. Now, instead of the herxes fading and dying down, I just feel terrible ALL the time(5?). For example, I went off the Ivermectin last week cause the herx was so terrible, and I feel as badly today as I did the day I went off it. Shouldn't it fade as I detox?
I just thought eight months into treatment I would not be having insane symptom flairs like I am having right now. All my main/terrible initial symptoms are back with a vengeance. I've been in my bed most of the day dealing with crippling headaches and facial pain. Why does it feel like I'm getting worse?
And (i mean this in the nicest possible way), please don't tell me I'm not detoxing enough or have MTHFR issues. I am detoxing my butt off and have already looked into MTHFR. I guess what scares me, is that I'm starting to have those creeping...
- "do I really have lyme/babesia?" feelings
- is something else wrong with me, and i should be trying to figure out what that is?
- was i just desperate for an answer to my symptoms. Is Igenex really legit?
- are all these supplements and antibiotics really helping...or hurting me?
Now, I don't want to be having these feelings, but have any of you had moments of second guessing?
he continues:
Later he continues
Well… It turns out my doubt was part of my herx. Go figure. My herx is fading, and with it…my doubt. Thank you all for the support. Sometimes when I am going through a really terrible herx, I basically lose my mind and become super paranoid.
I am SO much better now than I was when I began treatment. I think herxes can make me feel like I'm back at ground zero when that is not actually the case. In fact, I can't believe how well I am feeling today (the Ivermectin DEFINITELY did something right). Sadly, I think I am just one of those people who takes a really long time to get over a herx, and sometimes, when weeks go by with little relief, I just plain go nuts. This disease is crazy!!!!!!
I did several rounds of ivermectin and it greatly increases my health. I did have a die off reaction but just pushed through and things got better. My usually round would be 12 mg 4 times a day for three to four weeks. My doc lots of experience with antiparasites and this helped me greatly. Several times he added albendazole with it
Parasite die off can be INTENSE. Plus, you've got to get rid of the debris after killing it… And it's all going on in your challenged GI.
Well, my herxing got better at 4 wks. I still have cognitive problems but the extreme psycho-neuro mess did lighten up by the 4th week, which was good because I was going off the deep end and fast.
ivermectin has been great for me and brought me to a new level, it really killed me with herxing for a long time. But I'm finally at a point now where I don't herx on this med anymore, and think I've reached a point of diminishing returns.
Just wondering if anyone else had episodes of severe air hunger while on parasite protocol?
I have done one full round of Dr K's parasite protocol. I recently just started second round. I'm currently taking Ivermectin 12 mg (3x day) and Pin X.
Today I was feeling like I wasn't getting enough oxygen off and on throughout the day. I feel dizzy and light headed. I also would see flashes of light in my vision.
Which brings me to now. I just got over a severe episode of air hunger. I had to breathe through my mouth because I felt like I wasn't getting enough oxygen through my nose. This then turned into gasping for air like a fish out of water. I had a very hard time trying to talk to my husband. I could only get one word out, gasp for air for awhile then able to get another word out. Started to get very dizzy and lightheaded. Started to get flashes of light pulsating in my vision. It felt like I was going to pass out. Then I started to sweat.
Does anyone know if Ivermectin is also used for treating Babesia? Is this why I had air hunger?
Ivermectin hit me like a freight train. I'm not sure what it was hitting, I was dx'd with protomyxzoa rheumatica, could've been that or maybe it was hitting another occult protozoal infection. Initially I only took 18mg once a week, then upped to twice a week. I would've never been able to do Dr K's protocol as that is a drug that hit me with some monster herxes.
Good luck! Sometimes it can be helpful to take a mini-break if the herxing gets too strong. Hopefully this will prove to be a good medication for you.
I also do wonder if it might be able to hit bacterial pathogens, even lyme? I'm iffy on that it's just a question I have I'd have to read up on it as I'm pretty clueless on that aspect.
Ivermectin flared all my babesia symptoms hard. At the time, when I had a much higher pathogen load it was the strongest med I had taken up to that point. For some of us it may be a very good med for the protozoa.
Anybody ever take Ivermectin?
I took a dose a week ago and it hit me like a brick wall this weekend. Continuous headache, nerve pain, neck stiffness and inflammation. I haven't felt this bad in months (I just started on a maintenance protocol and have been improving steadily for over a year). Anybody have similar experiences on Ivermectin?
I am treating for parasites. I took ivermectin for 18 mos (pulsed) and my asthma breathing issues greatly improved. I had a miserable herx for a few months , so believe it was killing a parasite .
I just started Dr. K's parasite protocol. I'm on ivermectin right now (2nd on the rotation).
Let me tell you... it's rough... my brain fog hasn't been this bad since I first got sick. My doctor told me to keep going though and push through it.
Just make sure you do some detox stuff with it. I'm doing chlorella and coffee enemas. Also about to add detoxamin. The parasites release a lot of biotoxins and metals and such when they are killed. I was also put on miracle mineral solution (mms) at the same time as the ivermectin so I'm not sure which caused my brain fog to come back so bad. I stopped taking to mms but continued with the protocol.
Oh, and this protocol really does work. Worms are literally pouring out of me. It's sort of dramatic though. I never had any stomach problems or anything either. Crazy.
One of my friends who has been sick for +23 years, reports that she has felt the best she has in all of that time, with once weekly dosing of Ivermectin.
according to Eva Sapi, doxy and ivermectin is working for many doctors in Europe.
I am doing ivermectin and doxycycline . I had worked up to 6 mg ivermectin but Adding doxy was hard and found out its A synergistic affect and backed down And off doxy and down to 3 mg iver and Restarting a slow increase again. It's not Worth overdoing but finding the right balance Where you ate feeling better and better and if you tilt toward killing to fast you just feel horrible . Doxy alone is much different than it with iver so be very careful and i only take 200 mg in a whole week .
But I am on my way up but slowly and steady as I hate the flares and I am trying To enjoy done goodnesss. I have suffered enough. My back is finally feeling better and stronger and I want to use that and energy to walk. Also Sugar and fats I have become extra sensitive and can not
Eat without feeling immediately an ill feeling.
It seems like everyone herxes forver, plateaus, but rarely gets well - no matter what . It seems like there is never a clear answer . We do know we have chronic infection(s) . Everything else is speculation.
I am herxing hard on ivermectin and doxy. I have been off ABX a long time, but can see that lyme is still a problem with the doxy die off reaction. I also herx on ivermectin .
I took abx 3 years and got rid of pain , but felt as sick after 3 years as the day I started and had a gut feeling they were never going to make a huge difference for me . They never helped my fatigue at all . The only thing that has ever improved my fatigue is IVERMECTIN . I stopped it after 4 months because I did not know if it was safe long term. The fatigue came back . ( I am starting it again. )
Has anyone had a reaction to Ivermectin that included extreme weakness, to the point of not being able to get out of bed?
I started the Ivermectin on Friday. Took 3 mg. that day. The only thing I noticed was occasional weird sharp stabbing pains in the middle of my abdomen. They only happened intermittently (about 12 times over 8 hours) and lasted about one second each time.
Yesterday I upped the dose to 6 mg. Didn't notice anything bad. I was actually feeling better the last two days.
Today I took almost 12 mg. About three hours later I am so weak I can barely move. I feel flushed, my ears are red and hot, I even have a slight fever. This doesn't feel like a herx, but I don't know what to expect on this stuff.
I was extremely weak while taking Ivermectin. It seemed to get worse as time passed. After 6 months I was pulled off this medication since I had no improvements. With stopping it, the weakness and fatigue improved.
The iver herx for my daughter was a repeat of all her symptoms as they arrived in order when she first started getting ill.
So, if extreme fatigue was one of your first symptoms, you are probably going to go through that experience again.
For some reason, the drug seems to peel away another layer of the onion of this disease.
It took one year for my daughter to reach the dose of 12mg of Ivermectin daily. She had to start at 1/4 pill twice a week.
The first time she tried it, the herx was so bad, she had to go to the ER after just four pills.
I read on here and in scientific studies that doxy and ivermectin are synergistic for parasites and other bugs, but wow, it's so true.... ivermectin alone didn't do much, and doxy same, but together they are a whole new beast.
I dropped the doxy because I think ivermectin was the work horse. doxy + ivermectin I was taking 200mg doxy and 9mg iver per day. Mild herxing, but felt big gains. But I think the ivermectin was mostly responsible.
I am on low dose Ivermectin (1/2 3mg.), much lower than many others who can tolerate high doses (12 mg and up). As long as I find the right balance it resolves most of my remaining symptoms.
Ivermectin builds up in the body, so you need to be cognisant of that. I have found pulsing to be a good solution.
Binding is critical with Ivermectin, as there is die-off from the parasites/protozoa/biofilm.
I am 80-90% most days and Ivermectin gives me some days with few or no symptoms. I don't know if I will need to be on this long-term, or if it will cure the remaining issues.
I've noticed from others that post about Ivermectin that it does provide immediate relief for some/many. It may be worth a try to start slowly and see if your wife realizes benefits.
I have been ill since 1996 and was DXed in 2006 . I took ABX 3 years with little progress and some complications , then switching to herbs and rife . I made a bit more progress , but still had periods of feeling HORRIBLE and struggling to function with fatigue and fluishnes.
About 8 months ago I began self treating with parasite meds . I was skeptical about the idea of parasites until I took firsy dose of ivermectin , which caused a BIG (!) die off reaction. I should also add that I have had major beathing frustrations and a return of childhood asthma. I suspect babesia , but also have read about Harvard studies showing lungworm prevalent in CFS and lyme patients . The breathing problems I had made fatigue far worse and also came with bouts of costocondritis that seemed to become more frequent .
To sum it up : I definitely believe parasite meds have helped ! I felt much worse for several months, then after about 6 months things seemed easier . Also , even though I still feel fluish and fatigued , I can do a lot more than a year ago . Almost every afternoon I can take a brisk walk and even have been able to use a stair climbing routine . My mornings are never easy , but I am currently having afternoons and evenings that are BETTER .
I am also feeling that the ivermectin / praziquantel combo ( vet version from Tractor Supply ) have improved breathing and asthma that exhausted me . Those two drugs were used in other countries for lungworm and filaria , which is common in ticks.
I still take grapefruit seed extract drops , artemesia annua , and sometimes andrographis powder . Usually I take herbs one day , then parasite meds the following day , alternating them. I NEVER take parasite meds on a DAILY basis - just every other day .
Overall , I am inclined the ivermectin / praziquantel have been positive , and think my energy is improved compared to 8 mos ago . I am glad I stuck it out as the first months were rough and made me feel awful.
I intend to keep this up on an every other day basis for a while , maybe a long time. I have had no side effects . I do believe I would have them if I took it daily .
I also take supplements for liver support and eat lots of veggies .
This is anecdotal info , and I do think targeting parasites like lungworm or filaria makes as much sense as taking ABX for years - the ABX often do not help .
I have been off for a long time because i have been doing a lot better thanks to both ivermectin and plaquenil, especially ivermectin. life has been looking up during the last few months healthwise, which was a much welcome relief after about 2 years of constant struggle (smile!) Buhner herbs, especially knotweed, have also been helpful with neuro inflammation.
I have been working on integrating a low fat diet and this seems to be working really well as well, which confirms for me a probable biofilm element here. I just started this diet unfortunately, so I might have a long ways to go bio-film wise.
I would have never gotten to this point without some of the recommendations and support I received here from various people, and am really grateful.
My main problem is that as soon as I go off Ivermectin (3mg, once daily) my symptoms return and I backslide from ~85% to 50% over a few days, suggesting that I haven't made lasting progress yet.
Are higher doses of ivermectin necessary to get lasting results? Should I be considering a more complex parasite treatment than ivermectin alone? i.e. parastroy, hulda clark, salt-c. Or is it possible that ivermectin could be hitting the lyme? Could this lack of progress be because of biofilms?
I took it daily for over two months. All my symptoms were gone. Then I took it once or twice a week but I began to get side effects and had to stop. Luckily I am still nearly symptom free.
After treating babesia I tested positive for protomyxzoa and began ivermectin. This made the most dramatic improvement I have had during all of my treatment. I also began taking LDM, methyl cycle supplementation and the low fat whole foods vegan(ish) diet.
Ivermectin and doxy. I felt great on this combo. Also, alinia. I feel good on parasite meds, but when I stop them, I quickly go backwards.
Side effects I have had on Ivermectin:
- Woke up with very blurry vision in left eye the day after initial dose (3 mg.) and third dose (12 mg. - third day)
- Stabbing pains in gut (first day only - sure this was dieoff)
- Incredible weakness that lasts for 5-6 hours. This is on only 12 mg. per day. This one is hard to tolerate
- White blood count dropped after only 5 days into tapering up to 12 mg. per day. I was pulled off for a week, now pulsing it
I am on a very low dose of Ivermectin (1/2 3 mg. daily), but take it with 100 mg. Minocycline, which increases the side effects.
Has anyone experienced indigestion or heartburn from Ivermectin? That was my one side effect until recently when I started to get the blues, like what is experienced with Mepron. I am on Mepron too, but have been for 2 1/2 years successfully. Anyone get the Ivermectin-blues or heartburn?
I agree, my CD57 did not start to make significant changes up until I treated with anti-parastics (aka: babesia meds).
Mine was 26 when I was diagnosed and was at 38 two years into aggressive treatment.
Once I started taking rounds of nearly every anti parasitic available (mepron, ivermectin, biltricide, malarone, chloroquine, primiaquine:not all together) did I start to see real changes.
Now, my CD57 is rising about 30-40 points every 3-4 months.
It is now at 109. BTW-I am 90% improved from when I started 5 years ago.
Ivermectin has one of the cleanest side effect profiles of just about any med. Should be able to be combined with any antibiotic, antimalarial or antiparasitic.
Hubby has taken it with numerous other meds with his docs approval. His LLMD has actually put several other patients on ivermectin since it seemed to help hubby so much.
Doxycycline is one; Working synergistically with it
As soon as my daughter started treating, she got SEVERE acne. She also got severe intestinal flushing.
Her doctor said he had a patient who did 12mg ivermectin for four months before she saw worms in her stools.
I am currently taking Ivermectin. But for some reason Ivermectin causes me to feel AWFUL for a few days and sometimes longer after I take it. I don't know if the Ivermectin is killing off some kind of parasite in me and thus it is causing me to experience a herx or a mazzotti like reaction. Or if my body just can't tolerate Ivermectin.
Nonetheless, Ivermectin has been the most helpful drug that I have ever taken. Like I said, I usually feel awful for a few days after taking it but then I start feeling better than I did before I started taking the Ivermectin. It's been a fairly slow process though.
Currently I can only tolerate taking Ivermectin once per week. And sometimes I wait longer than that between doses. But it appears to have helped me. My energy is much improved and my vision is a little better since I started taking it. A few other of my symptoms have improved while I have been taking it as well.
I took high doses of Ivermectin four times per day for two weeks for my parasites. Almost immediately my hips were almost pain-free, and I felt like someone had gone around my body with an oil can and lubricated all my joints. It was AWESOME!!! But within a few weeks of the completion of my course of drugs, all the pain returned. What do I do now?
I was having a side effect from ivermectin of making my eyes very blood shot, as though I had pink eye. I read in rare instances it can cause Conjunctival hemorrhage. It also gives me headaches.
Ivermectin brought me back to pretty good health but I have to also stay on the low fat diet or I relapse.
I am wondering if the current resurgence of symptoms might have something to do with a cycle and not just fudging on fat.
When I take the ivermectin, the symptoms go away very quickly. I don't think it is killing borellia. Ketek took that out. And I got rid of bart with bactrim DS and zithro. I think I got rid of babesia duncani with malarone and coartem primarily.
That left me with protomyxzoa and it can mimic all the other infections with subtle differences.
has anyone here used ivermectin? what was your response to it?
i took it three days in a row last week and have felt soooo sick ever since. i have never felt so sick from any treatment and am wondering if something else is going on? i have felt nauseated for 5 days with horrible headache. i dont know if this is 'normal'.. whatever that means.
When I started ivermectin two years ago, I had a lot of trouble finding out how to take it so I winged it on my own. Dr. F was prescribing it daily according to some of his patients, so I took it daily for two months. Then I began to get headaches from it and my eyes became more irritated and blood shot.
I found out recently that you should pulse it because it can build up and become toxic. If I were doing it over again, I would never take it every single day. I think 3-4 days on and 3-4 days off would be best. That was for protomxzoa so if you are treating something else, I don't know. You dose it according to weight. I took 12 mg.
When I saw Dr. F I told him most of my protomyxzoa symptoms were gone (I was experiencing bartonella) and he told me to continue taking 12 mg ivermectin once a week.
Dr. K has a pretty aggressive protocol for parasites. I know I would not be able to tolerate it.
I have been on ivermectin over a year about three times a week with no problem. MY ASTHMA and breathing problems are GONE!! The herxes were hellish at first. I think it may well hit many pathogens - possibly lyme or babs ( since my breathing is better. )
I can now walk 2 miles every evening . I have a long way to go, but I am CERTAIN parasites are a problem - which explains all of the ABX failures.
Neff, I recently started taking MSM ( sulfur powder ) for hair and joints. The slightest amount almost KILLS ME!!
I am wondering if the sulfur kills parasites and babs , maybe lyme? Why ? I had a strange skin parasite , scabies , 2 years ago . The only thing that killed the invisible monsters was sylfur powder applied in a cream on my skin.
I was on 12 mg 3 times a day for 5 week cycles Tried to do colonics I enemas. I had no problems only benefits. Helped with brain fog and gave me more skin color. It helped with just a bout all problems just like albendazole.
I only used the ivermectin my pharmacist compounds.
It took care of my air hunger. Haven't had to use my inhalers for asthma since being on it.
However, since stopping it, my bartonella symptoms have become friggin out of control. I asked my doc about this and was told it can happen.
He gave a great explanation about how and why, but my brain dropped out.
It is my understanding it is important to take abx while on ivermectin and also afterwards to minimize the flaring of other things.
when the iver was done, bartonella symptoms flared and went out of control.
So now I am back on bart abx.
My doc said it is normal for iver to flare bartonella, and sometimes uses it as a challenge med.
3 mg 2x/day is a low dose, and a day or two per month is nothing. I have taken way more than that. Docs determine dosages based upon the individual, so if you're sensitive to certain meds, that may be the reason for the lower dose. Or if you're on another med, that could be the reason as well. Everyone is different as far as dosage goes.
I have herxed on iver before, so it's good to try just one med at a time to see how you react to it. Proto herxes are nastier than lyme. Much worse for me, but maybe that's just me. Benefits are air hunger and sweats go way down.
If you eat a high or even moderate fat you will be wasting your time trying to kill it (gasoline to a fire). It thrives on fat. I've tried adding fat in and it just makes it worse.
Starving all the time is a symptom of parasites. The more you work on them, the less starving you will be. Very low fat and eating more carbs works for me. Fortunately proto treatment hits parasites (Dr. K protocol).
2 years ago my llmd gave me a 3 day dose of Ivermectin. I think the parasite thing was still in the infancy stage. Had massive explosive stools. Didn't look. She is now talking abut starting a longer treatment protocol re: parasites. after reading as much as I could, it seems she was on the right track years ago. Interesting!
I think the Ivermectin is helping, but the mepron helps my brain. I'm sort of coming up with my own protocol for now. Just wondering if anyone is doing this type of combination.
Ivermectin kicks my butt, but I believe it will get me well, combined with Doxycyline. I'm still only taking one pill every other day. I can't seem to increase the dosage, it makes me very tired! I need to work so I stick with the slow and easy method.
I thought this would do nothing and ivermectin is POWERFUL . I can only take a small dose every 4-5 days, the die off is intense .
I am more convinced that a protozoa is part of the constellation of this disease , and I suspect this antiparasite drug is hitting an organism like filaria - which is similar to babesia .
I hope I will feel better in a few months , as some others are improving. I am just surprised how strong the herx is . It is hitting pathogen pay dirt .
Hopefully we will find out what is TOTALLY involved with "lyme " . It is definitely more than one organism IMO . That has to explain the relapses .
I will keep you posted , and hope others trying ivermectin and abendazole will post .
I found MANY MANY other blogs where people with morgellons are using it and getting some relief. Also , found stories of it being used in other countries for babesia AND LYME .
You can spend a lot of time googling and find many posts and blogs with people using it safely . Many even bought it at Tractor Supply like I did - chaep.
Google: Ivermectin recovery ivermectin morgellons ivermectin babesia ivermectin lyme disease ivermectin lyme disease filaria ivermectin lyme disease protozoa
Ivermectin and LDN are super different types of drugs for very different types of things.....I'm actually kinda confused how they are related?
I've taken both. LDN at the begining of my illness to see if it would help improve CFS symptoms and it didnt really help at all, and now Ivermectin to as part of a parasite treatment.
Ivermectin is used often with cancer patients as their immune systems are so low that they are also highly susceptible to parasites.
I can't stop ivermectin
I have just a handful of symptoms, after 5 years of heavy treatment. If I go too long off ivermectin(1 month or more) they are debilitating.
Anyone done ivermectin long term, been able to stop and stay well? This is all I have left to treat. It's maddening. And, I was just cut off LTD so I need to get well so I can work.
symptoms are heart issues shortness of breath low stamina floaters
Ivermectin : this is my favorite med. I feel great when on it.
I am only able to handle two 3mg pills per day right now. Some things are SO much better (my terrible stiff neck, I can turn again) and blurry vision better. but, I have a feeling that something is definitely off still - weak leg, weak arm, head feels funny, etc.
I read in someones blog that throwing antibiotics at borrelia is like trying to kill a snake with bug spray...she was helped by ivermectin...
I read somewhere that it has helminith and protozoal dna so maybe that why artminsin,,alinia bvt etc are effective
Stool tests are an absolute joke. I've had 4 of them. I've even had helminth antibodies taken. No way to prove that I had parasites. Just take Ivermectin, and you'll know pretty quickly from the die off. That stuff almost exclusively kills worms. I took it for an entire month straight to kill off any that would hatch during the lunar cycles. I feel my immune system is fighting MUCH harder to the lyme now, although I'm still struggling with lyme symptoms. I definitely peeled back a layer with the parasite treatment.
I've had terrible herxes from Bactrim, Malarone, and, recently, Ivermectin. Now, instead of the herxes fading and dying down, I just feel terrible ALL the time(5?). For example, I went off the Ivermectin last week cause the herx was so terrible, and I feel as badly today as I did the day I went off it. Shouldn't it fade as I detox?
I just thought eight months into treatment I would not be having insane symptom flairs like I am having right now. All my main/terrible initial symptoms are back with a vengeance. I've been in my bed most of the day dealing with crippling headaches and facial pain. Why does it feel like I'm getting worse?
And (i mean this in the nicest possible way), please don't tell me I'm not detoxing enough or have MTHFR issues. I am detoxing my butt off and have already looked into MTHFR. I guess what scares me, is that I'm starting to have those creeping...
- "do I really have lyme/babesia?" feelings
- is something else wrong with me, and i should be trying to figure out what that is?
- was i just desperate for an answer to my symptoms. Is Igenex really legit?
- are all these supplements and antibiotics really helping...or hurting me?
Now, I don't want to be having these feelings, but have any of you had moments of second guessing?
he continues:
Later he continues
Well… It turns out my doubt was part of my herx. Go figure. My herx is fading, and with it…my doubt. Thank you all for the support. Sometimes when I am going through a really terrible herx, I basically lose my mind and become super paranoid.
I am SO much better now than I was when I began treatment. I think herxes can make me feel like I'm back at ground zero when that is not actually the case. In fact, I can't believe how well I am feeling today (the Ivermectin DEFINITELY did something right). Sadly, I think I am just one of those people who takes a really long time to get over a herx, and sometimes, when weeks go by with little relief, I just plain go nuts. This disease is crazy!!!!!!
I did several rounds of ivermectin and it greatly increases my health. I did have a die off reaction but just pushed through and things got better. My usually round would be 12 mg 4 times a day for three to four weeks. My doc lots of experience with antiparasites and this helped me greatly. Several times he added albendazole with it
Parasite die off can be INTENSE. Plus, you've got to get rid of the debris after killing it… And it's all going on in your challenged GI.
Well, my herxing got better at 4 wks. I still have cognitive problems but the extreme psycho-neuro mess did lighten up by the 4th week, which was good because I was going off the deep end and fast.
ivermectin has been great for me and brought me to a new level, it really killed me with herxing for a long time. But I'm finally at a point now where I don't herx on this med anymore, and think I've reached a point of diminishing returns.
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