Лечение пчелиным ядом

Болезнь Лайма (боррелиоз): лечение пчелиным ядом

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HOW IT WORKS | Bee venom has a powerful stimulating effect on the circulatory system. Increased blood, lymph and oxygen are key components in focusing the body’s healing attention to a particular somatic region. In addition, by opening the capillary walls, venom facilitates improved elimination of toxins and metabolic waste matter in the tissue as increased activation occurs at the sting site. This increased circulation and intensified oxygenation also helps to destroy bacterial growth enabling a return to greater balance and homeostasis.

Bee venom is a rich source of enzymes, peptides and biogenic amines. There are at least 18 active components in the venom which have been shown to have significant benefit to the human body. Bee venom’s healing properties are presently being studied internationally.

HEALING PROPERTIES | Anti-inflammatory | Immune stimulant | Antioxidant | Radiation protection | Anti-bacterial | Anti-fungal | Supportive for the nervous system | Analgesic effect | Improves psychological state, memory and sleep | Helps to reduce alcohol and nicotine addiction | Improves cerebral blood flow | Bronchodilator | Expectorant | Vasodilator | Anti -coagulant | Improves gastric and bowels peristalsis | Stimulates enzymes, gastric juice and bile production | Produces anti-spastic effect | Stimulates liver function | Improves production of corticosteroids by adrenal glands | Supports normalization of thyroid gland and sex glands activity


MELETIN | Approximately 50% of honey bee venom is comprised of melettin. Melettin has a profound neuro-hormonal and immunological effect on the body. It primarily stimulates the hypothalamus in the brain to release corticotropin releasing hormone which triggers the pituitary gland to secrete adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) to the adrenal cortex which then reproduces glucocorticoid. Ultimately, stimulation of the hypophyseal-adrenal system produces cortisol, the body’s natural anti-inflammatory. Cortisol prevents the release of substances in the body that cause inflammation. It stimulates gluconeogenesis (the breakdown of protein and fat to provide metabolites that can be converted to glucose in the liver) and it activates anti-stress and anti-inflammatory pathways. Melittin also stabilizes the lysosome cell membrane, protecting against inflammation and slows the production of interleukin-1 which has been correlated to both arthritic pain and inflammation.

APAMIN | a mood elevator and anti-inflammatory. It works like melittin to produce cortisone and inhibit inflammation.

MAST-CELL DEGRANULATION PEPTIDE 401 | a potent anti-inflammatory, 100 times more effective than hydrocortisone in reducing inflammation, blocks arachidonic acid production and inhibits prostaglandin synthesis.

ADOLAPIN | anti-inflammatory and pain killer. It inhibits microsomal cyclooxygenase and is 70 times stronger than indomethacin, inhibits platelet lipoxygenase - and thromboxane and prostacycline which are activated during inflammation.

PROTEASE INHIBITORS | inhibits carrageenin, prostaglandin E1, bradykin, and histamine induced inflammations.

DOPAMINE | controls the brain pleasure center, motivation, pleasure.

NOREPINEPHRINE | important neurotransmitter regulating heart rate, suppresses neuro-inflammation, increases blood flow to skeletal muscles.

| Arthritis | Asthma | Bursitis | Tendinitis | Lyme Disease | Surgical scars | MS | Lupus | Shingles | Bell's Palsy | Mood Disorders | Fibromyalgia | Raynaud’s Disease | Chronic Fatigue | Herniated Discs | Neuropathy | Numbness | Poor Circulation | Pulled Muscles & Cramping | Carpal Tunnel | Sciatica
~ M. Parke Apitherapy
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